Absalamova N.F., Muratova S.K., Shukurova N.T., Turaev A.B., Dzhavadova L.M.
Absalamova Nigora Fakhriddinovna - Assistant - Teacher;
Muratova Saodat Kadyrovna - Assistant - Teacher;
Shukurova Nodira Tillaevna - Assistant - Teacher;
Turaev Alim Bahriddinovich - Assistant - Teacher;
Dzhavadova Luiza Muradalievna - Assistant - Teacher;
Abstract: to solve this problem, we studied the aggregation properties of platelets in 97 patients with congenital cleft lip and palate. All patients were hospitalized in the clinic of pediatric maxillofacial surgery of the Tashkent State Dental Institute in 2016-2017. for the operation uranoplasty. The results of our research show that 73.8% of children in uranoplasty were performed at the age of 4 years and above. From a survey of parents and as a result of a pediatrician consultation, it was found that surgery in 43 (41.7%) of them was postponed due to the recurrence of colds, pneumonia. Analyzing the history, the status of children with congenital cleft palate, suffering from a combined pulmonary pathology of bacterial etiology, we found that the course of the underlying disease was aggravated.
Keywords: children, congenital cleft lip and palate, nasopharynx, lungs, platelets, survey.
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Absalamova N.F., Muratova S.K., Shukurova N.T., Turaev A.B., Dzhavadova L.M. PLATELET CONDITION IN CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL CLEFT PALATE IN CHRONIC FOCI OF INFECTION // Достижения науки и образования № 12(53), 2019 - С.{ см. журнал}.