Shodikulova G.Z., Ergashova M.M.
Shodikulova Gulandom Zikriyaevna – Head of Department;
Ergashova Madina Muhtorovna – Аssistant,
Abstract: in order to detect the clinical course of osteoporosis in 70 patients (56 women, 80.0%, 14 men, 20.0%) with rheumatoid arthritis, clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies were conducted. When addressing to patients with the questionnaire from the International Fund for Osteoporosis, 80.0% of them answered positively to two or more questions. A physical study contributed to the identification of clinical signs of osteoporosis in 17.2-48.7% of patients. With the aid of computed tomographic roentgen densitometry, osteoporosis of the I degree was detected in 40.0%, osteoporosis of the II degree - in 26.7%, and osteoporosis of the III degree - in 33.3% of patients. For patients with OP hypocalcemia was typical.
Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, computed tomographic roentgen densitometry, hypocalcemia.
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Shodikulova G.Z., Ergashova M.M. THE FEATURES OF THE EARLY DIAGNOSTICS OF OSTEOPOROSIS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS // Достижения науки и образования № 12(53), 2019 - С.{ см. журнал}.

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