Журнал «Достижения науки и образования» выходит раз в квартал. Следующий номер журнала № 2(100) 2025 г. выйдет - 18.04.2025 г. Статьи принимаются до 15.04.2025 г.
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Samieva G.U., Abdirashidova G.A., Narzullaeva U.R., Toirova S.B., Mamadiyarova D.U.
Samieva Gulnoza Utkurovna – Associate Professor, Head of the Department;
Abdirashidova Gulnoza Ablakulovna - Assistant of the Department;
Narzullaeva Umida Rahmatullaevna -Assistant of the Department;
Toirova Sakina Bahodirovna - Assistant of the Department;
Mamadiyarova Dilshoda Umurzakovna - Assistant of the Department,
Abstract: it is known that the activation of free radical oxidation OSLT, with the development of imbalances in the LPO - AOS and the accumulation of toxic compounds such as malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of the factors determining the severity of infection at laryngotracheitis in children, which results in increased expression of intoxication syndrome. Violation of this balance towards the increased activity of oxidative processes often leads to a generalization of infection, complications arise and the development of secondary immunodeficiencies. The study is based on clinical and laboratory examination of 275 children with acute stenosinglaryngotracheitis. The study revealed an increase in the intensity of free radical processes against progressive failure of antioxidant system in erythrocytes of children with ASLT. A more pronounced increase of intensity of lipid peroxidation and inhibition of enzyme activity of AOP in membrane structures of cells observed in children in the subgroups in which to implement integrated treatment including immunomodulatory drugs, evidence of its effectiveness compared with traditional therapy.
Keywords: acute constrictive laryngotracheitis, antioxidant system, children, immunomodulatory drugs.
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Samieva G.U., Abdirashidova G.A., Narzullaeva U.R., Toirova S.B., Mamadiyarova D.U. THE CONDITION OF PRO-AND ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEMS IN CHILDREN WITH ACUTE LARYNGOTRACHEITIS WITH IMMUNOMODULATING THERAPY // Достижения науки и образования № 10(51), 2019 - С.{ см. журнал}. |
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