Khasanova M.Т.
Khasanova Makhfuza Тoykulovna – Assistant,
Abstract: сhronic alcoholism is a universal risk factor for the occurrence and severe course of chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as one of the causes of early disability of the young and most able-bodied population. Dangerously high prevalence of somatic alcohol-induced pathology depends on the level of alcohol consumption in the population. With chronic alcohol intoxication, the whole body suffers, and the severity of organ damage may depend on the duration of alcohol abuse.
Keywords: gastrointestinal tract, Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic steatohepatitis.
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Khasanova M.Т. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT DURING CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM// Достижения науки и образования № 8(80), 2021 - С.{ см. журнал}

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